Category: Sunderland Ideas
This submission has not reached the threshold for student interaction, and as such is not currently being changed.
There are far too few parking spaces for students to use which results in us sometimes driving around aimlessly trying to find a space when in fact we should be learning. Sometimes if we eventually do find a space it can make us late for lectures and seminars and then we’re refused entry by academics.
Some have even tried parking on grass verges and on the streets of the car park where there are no double yellow lines and are not causing any obstruction to other traffic, for this we get issued warning parking tickets from the university traffic wardens and even get threatened with campus police!
Anwers of 'get here early' and 'park at St Peters and use the campus bus' are not sufficient. Firstly, if everyone got here early, we would still face the same issue and the bus to St Peters stops running at 3pm, no good when people are often in seminars until 5pm. This situation is completely unacceptable.
My proposal is that the university come to some arrangement with Sunderland city council which allows us to park in the newly completed riverside multistorey car park, which is often empty if it is not a match day, at the same discounted rate that we pay on university grounds. This would provide hundreds of parking spaces and alleviate some of the issues around parking.
If you agree with me give this a thumbs up so we can make it happen.
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