African Caribbean Society

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African Caribbean Society

Our main focus is to share African culture and values. We aim to create a friendly and welcoming environment where African students studying in the UK will feel at home. 


Student membership is £4. External membership is £5.

Society memberships expire on the 31st July.

By purchasing a society membership, you agree to the Terms and Conditions (see above).

Contact us

Facebook: Sunderland Acs

Instagram: @ACS.SUN22


Society Members Code of Conduct

A society member is anyone who has purchased membership to a particular society registered with Your SU.

All society members will

  • Be inclusive; free from racism, classism, sexism, ageism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, biphobia, body shaming, xenophobia and religious discrimination.
  • Respect the rights of others to express, within the law, their beliefs and convictions.
  • Be positive ambassadors for the SU and the University and will uphold, and not bring into question or disrepute, the reputation of the SU, University, or any society.
  • Not partake in initiations and report any such activities and unacceptable behaviours to Your SU.
  • Treat facilities, staff and students at the University, and other individuals and organisations, with respect, abiding by any rules that may apply and any agreements that have been made with them, including the society’s committee.
  • Ensure that all media, including digital and print, is free from material that could be deemed offensive or in breach of the law.
  • Act respectfully regarding the taking and using of photographs and filming.
  • Follow the SU’s financial and administrative processes and accept liability for any losses incurred as a result of not following the correct financial procedures of the SU.
  • Not raise money for a charity other than the SU without the prior agreement of the SU.
  • Not enter into any contracts, sponsorship agreements or orders without SU agreement.
  • Ensure that the finances of the society are used only to benefit our members and no individual member shall receive financial gain from the society’s activities.
  • Ensure that society committee members are selected fairly in line with SU guidance and as outlined within this document.
  • Comply with the Freedom of Speech policies of the University.
  • Act within the law.
  • Accept that the SU may take action or un-register the society if we fail to comply with this Code of Conduct.