By Your SU
Last Wednesday (13th Dec), we had our Holly Jolly Members’ Mingle. This event was both a big Christmas Party and our annual Members' Meeting, and it was fantastic to see so many students there! As part of the Members' Meeting aspect of the evening, students voted on some matters about the Students' Union. We're pleased to announce that all the votes were successfully passed and that the vote breakdown for each of the items is as follows:
Do you approve of the minutes of the previous meeting?
Approve: 38, Reject: 0, Abstain: 4
Do you approve of the Trustees’ and Finance Report?
Approve: 35, Reject: 1, Abstain: 4
Do you approve of the use of Haines Watts as external auditors?
Approve: 33, Reject: 1, Abstain: 7
Once again, thank you all for coming and for helping us achieve a Members’ Meeting where quorate (the number of students required for the meeting to take place) was maintained throughout! There will not be a Reconvened Members’ Meeting this year, and our next Members’ Meeting will be in the next academic year.
If you have any questions, please contact