SU Wellbeing Champions 2024-2025

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The Wellbeing Champion role is a voluntary position with the University of Sunderland Students’ Union. The role exists to champion and improve the wellbeing of the Sunderland student community, help students access support, and campaign for change.  

  • Help students access support
  • Campaign for change
  • Become a peer support listener
  • Champion student wellbeing


This role is suited to anyone who has a passion for wellbeing, whether that’s physical health, mental health, or sexual health.
You should care about people and improving the experience of students at Sunderland University.  
NOTE: Role specific and additional, optional, training is provided.  

Role Outline 

Boost engagement with, and awareness of, wellbeing services provided by Your SU and the university through information sharing & signposting. 

Promote events and campaigns linked to current student wellbeing issues. 

Be the voice of students on wellbeing related matters to Your SU, the University and beyond, by: 

1. Inputting into SU & University strategy via: 

  • Bringing issues to Students’ Union Council. 
  • Feedback to the Mental Health & Wellbeing Steering Group. 

2. Liaising with the SU President Wellbeing, to plan projects and campaigns. 

Organise, lead, and facilitate approved wellbeing activities, events, projects & campaigns that link with current student wellbeing issues.  For example: 

  • Wellbeing Wednesday [self-care project
  • Talking Chairs [early intervention & sign-posting project
  • Let’s Talk About Sex… & Relationships [sexual health project
  • Guest Speakers 
  • Financial Planning/advice 
  • Webinars & Workshops 

Share knowledge and information of wellbeing activities, events, and campaigns through a variety of media including: 

  • Canvas
  • SU Website
  • Social Media
  • Blogs
  • Podcast

Your commitment 

  • Be a named and accessible Wellbeing Champion within Your SU.
  • Attend mandatory, role specific, training to prepare you for the role.
  • Lead on relevant campaigns to impact change and improve student experience.
  • Give feedback to the university mental health & wellbeing steering group meetings.;
  • Attend and contribute to regular planning and feedback meetings, in particular prior university mental health & wellbeing steering group.
  • Promote Your SU & university & wellbeing activities, events & awareness campaigns to students.
  • Complete a minimum of one core activity per semester.
  • Contribute your reflections and feedback on wellbeing and related issues & events.

Commitment from Your SU

  • Role specific, mandatory, training including empathetic listening and sign-posting;
  • Optional Mental Health First Aid Training [small cost of £35 applies
  • Support from Your SU
  • Support from university student support services 
  • Access to SuPA – Sunderland Professional Award 

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Required Role

SU Wellbeing Champions 2024-2025

Key responsibilities

This role is suited to anyone who has a passion for wellbeing, whether that’s physical health, mental health, or sexual health. You should care about people and improving the experience of students at Sunderland University. NOTE: Role specific and additional, optional, training is provided.

Desirable Skills

  • Communication
  • Initiative
  • Interpersonal
  • Listening

Skill to gain

  • Communication
  • Confidence
  • Initiative
  • Interpersonal
  • Leadership and Management
  • Listening
  • Planning and organising
  • Positive attitude
  • Problem solving
  • Project Management
  • Time Management
  • Networking
  • Self Management

When can you do this role/Calendar

Minimum commitment level: Once a week

Start Date: 01-04-2024

  2. Monday
  3. Tuesday
  4. Wednesday
  5. Thursday
  6. Friday
  7. Saturday
  8. Sunday
  2. MORNING monday
  3. MORNING tuesday
  4. MORNING wednesday
  5. MORNING thursday
  6. MORNING friday
  7. MORNING saturday
  8. MORNING sunday
  2. AFTERNOON monday
  3. AFTERNOON tuesday
  4. AFTERNOON wednesday
  5. AFTERNOON thursday
  6. AFTERNOON friday
  7. AFTERNOON saturday
  8. AFTERNOON sunday
  2. EVENING monday
  3. EVENING tuesday
  4. EVENING wednesday
  5. EVENING thursday
  6. EVENING friday
  7. EVENING saturday
  8. EVENING sunday

To one-click apply for this opportunity you need to have completed the following:

  • You need to have an active account on this website
  • You need to have an active volunteering account
  • You need to have fully completed the volunteering profile set-up