Finance and Funding

Society Finance may seem like a bit of a scary topic to begin with, but it's actually easier than you might think. Simply follow the guidance on this page and in the society handbook, or contact if you'd like some further support.

Society Accounts

After your society is set up, Your SU will set up three accounts for the group – one for income (deposit account), one for grant funding and one for any fundraising for charity. Find out more about these in society training and in your society handbook.

You can request an up-to-date Society Deposit Account balance by emailing

Grant Funding

As a society, you can also apply for grant funding from Your SU in some cases e.g. for support with an event or activity. This cannot be used as a main source of income, but it may be helpful at certain times throughout the year. Check out the up-to-date Grant Funding Guidance in the Resources section before applying and find out more about how the process works in society training and in your society handbook.

Please allow at least two weeks for an outcome on your grant application, or up to six for applications of £500+ or larger-scale events, as you may need to meet with the team to discuss your requirements.

Use the form below or click here to open in a new window.

Card Reader

Your SU now operates a fully cashless system and societies should book out the card reader or use ticketing or other electronic means for fundraising.

You can read about how to use the card reader in the Resources, but if you need any further assistance, please contact

Claiming a Reimbursement

Use the form below or click here to open in a new window.